Vanessa (Martinez) Kercher

Assistant Professor
Phone: 812-855-3697
Address: 1025 E. 7th St.
Department: Health & Wellness Design
ORCID - 0000-0002-0498-5279
B.E.S.S., Athletic Training Texas State University
M.Ed., Health & Human Performance University of Texas Brownsville
Post-Graduate Statistics Academic Graduate Certificate, Mathematics & Statistical Sciences University of Idaho
Ph.D. in Movement Science, Sport & Exercise Psychology University of Idaho
- Certified Exercise Physiologist (ACSM-EP) - American College of Sports Medicine Certified Health & Wellness Coach (CHWC) - Wellcoaches School of Coaching Digital Content Editor, ACSM's Health & Fitness Journal, 2017-Present
- 2023-Present: Assistant Professor, Indiana University-Bloomington, School of Public Health, Health & Wellness Design
- 2019-2023: Clinical Assistant Professor, Indiana University-Bloomington, School of Public Health, Kinesiology
- 2017-2019: Clinical Exercise Physiologist, Logan Medical Fitness Center, Kalispell, MT
- 2011-2012: Lecturer, Health & Human Performance Department, University of Texas Brownsville
Selected Popular Press:
Vanessa Kercher at the School of Public Health OVPDI
Washington Post (re: Health-Motivation for At Home Workouts)
Association for Women in Science (re: Member Spotlight)
Today (re: Movement to Stay Healthy)
Nike (re: The Key to Exercise)
Scholarly Interest
Dr. Kercher's research focuses on the integration of behavioral science and psychometric processes related to developing multi-level interventions to understand and improve psychological, behavioral, and physical health outcomes in clinical populations, corporate settings, and community settings. More specifically, her current work focuses on investigating personal and contextual factors associated with contemporary theories of motivation and behavior change techniques, through health and wellness coaching, to support adult's physical, mental, and holistic well-being.
A secondary area of Dr. Kercher's work is dedicated to the academic and professional advancement of racial and ethnic minoritized and historically excluded populations in science, engineering, mathematics, and medicine with the aim of broadening their participation in STEMM (+M = medicine). Some of her current work focuses on understanding the psychosocial mechanisms that contribute to engagement, persistence and retention in young adults' and academic professionals that include projects on: a) measurement and testing of critical factors in training interventions for mentors, b) establishment, training, and measurement of peer-mentors, and c) the development of culturally relevant interventions that integrates behavioral and motivation science strategies dedicated to promoting a diverse science and academic workforce.
- Workforce Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
- Health Promotion Behavioral Interventions
- Health/Wellness Coaching
- Behavioral Science & Motivation
- Psychometrics/Survey Methods
- Sport & Exercise Psychology
- Workplace Wellness & Wellbeing
Awarded Projects:
NIH/NHLBI: R01HL159764-03S1 Promoting DEIA in Lung Disease Research Through a Mentored Training Experience at IUB-SPH (Role: Co-I)
Indiana Department of Health, DNPA SNAP-Ed, Hoosier Sport: Developing and Implementing a Sustainable Campus-Community Partnership in Rural Indiana (Role: Co-I)
Office of Vice Provost for Research (OVPR) Award for Research Methods Collaboration. IUB-LEAD 2022 Conference, Promoting Diversity through a Leadership Training Program the School of Public Health with the Center for Survey Research. (Role: PI)
Indiana Academy of Science 078920 Diversity Award Promoting Diversity through a Leadership Training Program at Indiana University Bloomington (Role: Co-PI)
HRSA-18-030 Montana Journey to Wellness Health Coaching Program in Rural Montana (Role: Program Evaluator)
NIH Clinical Research Award, National Institutes of Health, Extramural Loan Repayment Program for Clinical Research for Health & Wellness Coaching Promotes Sustainable Health Behavior Change (Role: PI)
PCORI Engagement Award: Building Capacity to Break Down Barriers to Complex Care Navigation in Rural America (Role: Co-PI)
Town Pump Foundation, Providing a Hands-on Skill Based Approach to Facilitate Healthy Meal Planning and Preparation in Cardiac Rehabilitation Services (Role: PI)
Awards & Honors
Leadership Award, Indiana Latino Institute, Leadership Circle 2023 Cohort Member
Service Award, Distinguished Service Award 2023, School of Public Health, Indiana University-Bloomington
Fellowship, National American College of Sports Medicine, 2023
Leadership Award, Linton-Poodry SACNAS Leadership Institute 2022 Cohort Member
Teaching Excellence Award, School of Public Health, Indiana University-Bloomington, 2021
Professional Award, Top 20 Under 40, Kalispell Chamber of Commerce, 2018
Research Award, Northwest ACSM Regional Chapter, 2014 & 2015 Outstanding Doctorate Student Presentation
Research Award, Graduate Interdisciplinary Research Presentation (1st Place), Innovation Showcase at University of Idaho
Research Award, Graduate Research Poster Presentation (3rd Place), Texas ACSM Regional Chapter, 2012
Professional Award, Women's Effective Professional Leadership Award, Professional Women Speak Organization, Women's Leadership Conference, University of Texas at Brownsville, 2012
Full List of Publications: Google Scholar Profile
*Student advised or mentored
Kercher Martinez, V.M., Burton, D., Kercher, K.A., Heeter, K.N., Brunnemer, J., Watkins, J.M., Pickett, A.C., Pickering, M.A. (2024). A profile approach to physical activity levels: What's intensity got to do with reasons and motives for exercise?. BMC Public Health 24, 2990. doi:
Kercher Martinez, V.M., Watkins, J.M., Goss, J.M., Phillips, L., Blades, K., Dobson, D., Roy, B., & Kercher, K.A. (2024). Psychological Needs, Self-Efficacy, Motivation, and Resistance Training Outcomes in a 16-week Barbell Training Program for Adults. Frontiers in Psychology, 15:1439431. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2024.1439431
*Watkins, J.M., Goss, J.M., Kwaiser, M.M., Major, M.G., Coble, C.J., Hobson, J.M., Martinez Kercher, V.M., & Kercher, K.A. (2024). 8-week Pilot Testing of a Sport-Based Youth Development Intervention in Rural Middle Schoolers. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2024, 21, 913.
*Watkins, J.M., Brunnemer, J.E., Heeter, K.N., Medellin, A.M., Churchill W.C.., Goss, J.M., Hobson, J.M., Werner, N.E., Weaver, R.G., Martinez Kercher, V.M., & Kercher, K.A. (2024). Evaluating the Feasibility and Acceptability of a Co-Designed Physical Activity Intervention for Rural Middle Schoolers: A Pilot Study. BMC Public Health, 2024; 24, 1830. DOI 10.1186/s12889-024-19356-2.
*Fernández Solá, P.A., Watkins, J.W., Greeven, S.J., Kercher (Martinez), V.M., Coble, C.J., Evanovich, J.M., Whitley, M.A., & Kercher, K.A. (2024). Contribution of Youth Sport Participation to Physical Activity Levels and Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors in 5-year-old to 14-year-old Children: A Study Protocol for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. BMJ Open, 2024;14:e081524. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-081524.
*Watkins, J.M., Greeven, S.J., Brunnemer, J.E., Heeter, K.N., Otile, J., Fernández Solá, P.A., Dutta, S., Hobson, J.M., Evanovich, J.M., Coble, C.J., Werner, N.E., Martinez Kercher, V.M., Kercher, K.A. (2024). Human-Centered Participatory Co-Design with Children and Adults for a Prototype Lifestyle Intervention and Implementation Strategy in a Rural Middle School. BMC Public Health, 24, 845.
*Zavala, D., & Kercher (Martinez) V., Kercher, K. Back to the Basics: A Movement Approach Through Active Play. Strategies and tips are provided to educators and health and fitness professionals in effort to promote higher physical activity in children through active play. ACSM's Health and Fitness Journal, 28, 2.
Rodriguez MJ, Kercher, V. M., Jordan EJ, Savoy A, Hill JR, Werner N, Owora A, Castelluccio P, Boustani MA, Holden RJ. (2023). Technology caregiver intervention for Alzheimer's disease (I-CARE): Feasibility and preliminary efficacy of Brain CareNotes. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. doi:
*Greeven, S.J., Fernández Solá, P.A., Kercher (Martinez), V.M., Coble, C.J., Pope, K.J., Erinosho, T.O., Grube, A., Evanovich, J.M., Werner, N.E., & Kercher, K.A. (2023). Hoosier Sport: A Research Protocol for a Multilevel Physical Activity-Based Intervention in Rural Indiana. Frontiers in Public Health, 11.
Reese, A.L., Schaefer, S., Fedler, M., & Kercher (Martinez), V.M. (2023). Dream BIG! The power of inspiring employees to pursue their dreams. Human Service Organizations: Management, Leadership, & Governance, 47(5), 353-362. doi:
Kercher (Martinez), V. M. , Kercher, K.A., Levy, P, Bennion, T, Alexander, C., Amaral, P.C.,... Yong-Ming. (2023) Fitness 2023 trends from around the globe. Psychology of Sport & Exercise, 27(1), p19-30.
*Rose, S., Burton, D., Kercher (Martinez), V.M. , Grindley, E., Richardson, C. (2023). Enduring Stress: A quantitative analysis on coping profiles and sport well-being in amateur endurance athletes. Psychology of Sport & Exercise10(5), p. 807-817.
*Ford, C., Kercher (Martinez), V.M. , Kercher, K.A. (2022). The 3E's: Keys to Empowering Women in the Weightroom. ACSM's Health & Fitness Journal 27(3), p.14-19.
Kercher (Martinez) , V.M., Burton, D., Pickering, M.A. & Kercher, K. (2022). Profiling physical activity motivation based on reasons for exercise: A cluster analysis approach. Psychological Reports DOI: 10.1177/00332941221119413.
Vaarstra, M., Kercher, V. M., Start, A., Brown, A., Peterson, M., & McGrath, R. (2017). Understanding why Undergraduate Students Declare and Continue to Study an Exercise Science-Related Major. International Journal of Exercise Science, 65 (102365).
Start, A., Pickering, M. A., Martinez, V. M., Taylor, K., Hoomiratana, A., Vidic, Z., & Burton, D. (2017). Brief Report: Multi-Group Measurement Invariance Analysis of the Task and Ego Orientation in Sport Questionnaire. International Journal of Sport Psychology, 48(6), p.610-624.
Kercher Martinez, V.M. (2023). A Coach Approach: Oh, the Places We'll Go! Presentation for the Health and Wellness Design Colloquium Series, School of Public Health, Indiana University-Bloomington.
Kercher Martinez, V.M. (2023). Let’s Listen Up! Effective Communication is Key to Successful Work and Well-Being. Oral presentation at the 2023 Indiana Wellness Summit, Indianapolis, IN.
Kercher Martinez, V.M. & Thompson, W. (2023). The 2023 Worldwide Fitness Trends? Zoom Webinar presentation for the National American College of Sports Medicine, Indianapolis, IN.
Kercher Martinez, V.M. (2022). Physical Well-Being-Physical Activity: How to Make Healthy Changes: 4-Part Series, Interactive Online Workshop, Healthy IU, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN.
Kercher (Martinez), V.M. (2022). Got motivation? Understanding motivation, how to support it, and why! Oral presentation at the 2022 Indiana Wellness Summit, Indianapolis, IN.
Kercher, V.M. , & Doyle, D. (2022). Coaching & Communication Strategies for Delivering Self-Determined Results. Interactive workshop at the ACSM International Health & Fitness Summit, Dallas, Texas.
Kercher, V.M. (2019). Achieving Clinical Excellence Through Self-Care & Resiliency. Oral presentation at the Kalispell Regional Healthcare Continuing Nursing Education, Montana Nurses Association, Kalispell, MT.
Kercher, V.M.(2018). Patient Engagement for Lifestyle Improvement. Oral presentation at the University of Washington School of Medicine Continuing Medical Education Conference Series, Kalispell Regional Healthcare, Kalispell, MT.